Tutorial Thuval | Informasi Seputar Produk Digital Indonesia Tutorial Thuval

Tutorial Thuval

Tutorial Thuval

Tutorial Thuval

The Importance of User-Centered Web Design in Creating a Successful Website

In today's digital age, websites have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals. A well-designed website can provide valuable information, market products and services, generate leads, and even facilitate online transactions. However, not all websites are created equal. The key to a successful website lies in its design, particularly in adopting a user-centered approach. This article will explore the importance of user-centered web design and provide insights on how to create a compelling website that resonates with its intended audience.

1. Understanding the User Experience:

User-centered web design places the user at the core of the design process. It involves understanding the target audience, their preferences, behaviors, and goals. By gaining insights into the users' needs, designers can create a website that meets their expectations and provides a positive user experience.

2. Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design:

In today's mobile-dominated world, a responsive and mobile-friendly website is crucial. Users access websites from various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Designing a website that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions ensures that users can navigate and engage with the site effectively, regardless of their device.

3. Clear and Intuitive Navigation:

A well-designed website should have clear and intuitive navigation. Users should be able to easily find the information or products they are looking for without feeling lost or overwhelmed. Implementing a logical and user-friendly navigation structure, such as a drop-down menu or a search feature, can help users navigate through the website effortlessly.

4. Visual Appeal and Consistency:

The visual appeal of a website plays a significant role in attracting and engaging users. A compelling design with attractive color schemes, high-quality images, and a visually pleasing layout can captivate users and encourage them to explore further. Moreover, maintaining visual consistency throughout the website provides a sense of coherence and professionalism, enhancing the overall user experience.

5. Optimization for Speed and Performance:

In an era of instant gratification, users expect websites to load quickly. Slow-loading websites can lead to frustration and high bounce rates. Web designers must optimize the website's performance through techniques such as image compression, cache utilization, and code optimization to ensure fast load times, providing users with a seamless browsing experience.

6. Integration of Interactive Elements:

Interactive elements, such as contact forms, chatbots, or video content, can enhance user engagement and create a memorable experience. Incorporating these elements strategically can encourage users to interact with the website, increasing the likelihood of conversions, lead generation, or information sharing.


User-centered web design is essential for creating a successful website that meets the needs and expectations of its intended users. By understanding user preferences, focusing on user experience, and embracing technological advancements, web designers can create compelling websites that not only attract visitors but also lead to increased engagement and conversions. Investing in user-centered web design is a strategic move that can deliver long-term benefits and help businesses thrive in the digital landscape.

Unleashing the Power of Online Businesses: Harnessing the Opportunities in the Digital World

Unleashing the Power of Online Businesses: Harnessing the Opportunities in the Digital World
In today's digital era, businesses have shifted their focus primarily to the online platform. The rapid advancement of technology, accessibility to the internet, and changing consumer behaviors have paved the way for the meteoric rise of online businesses. This article aims to explore the vast potential and advantages of venturing into the world of online businesses, analyzing its impact on various industries and providing essential insights for entrepreneurs and aspiring digital pioneers.

1. The Rise of Online Businesses:
The internet revolution has transformed the way we live, communicate, and conduct business. Online businesses have become the go-to choice for entrepreneurs due to their low startup costs, global reach, and immense scalability. The increasing demand for convenience and time-saving solutions has facilitated the growth of e-commerce platforms, digital marketplaces, and various online services.

2. The Advantages of Online Businesses:
a. Global Reach: With the internet connecting people worldwide, the potential customer base for online businesses is virtually limitless. Accessing international markets and expanding the customer reach has never been easier.
b. Lower Costs: Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses often require hefty investments in physical infrastructure, maintenance, and staff. Online businesses can significantly reduce these costs, as they primarily operate in a virtual environment.
c. Enhanced Flexibility: Online businesses offer entrepreneurs the luxury of flexible working hours and locations, providing the freedom to work remotely. This enables individuals to achieve a work-life balance and cater to customers across different time zones.
d. Targeted Marketing: Digital marketing allows businesses to create personalized advertisements, ensuring that their messages reach the right audience. Online businesses can employ various marketing techniques, including social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and targeted email campaigns, increasing the chances of conversions.

3. Challenges and Strategies:
While online businesses offer promising opportunities, they also face unique challenges. These include intense competition, cybersecurity threats, and building credibility in the digital landscape. However, implementing effective strategies can help navigate these hurdles:
a. Investing in Website Optimization: Ensuring fast page loading times, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless navigation enhances customer experiences and reduces bounce rates.
b. Embracing E-commerce Platforms: Partnering with reputable e-commerce platforms such as Amazon or eBay can leverage their established customer base and enable businesses to reach a wider audience.
c. Building a Strong Online Presence: Utilizing social media platforms, content marketing, and search engine optimization techniques can drive organic traffic and foster brand visibility.
d. Prioritizing Customer Support: Establishing efficient and responsive customer support systems is essential in maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Industry Adaptation:
Numerous industries have witnessed a significant shift towards the online realm. Retail, hospitality, education, and even healthcare have developed innovative solutions to cater to the changing needs of their customers. For instance, the rise of online learning platforms and telemedicine services have revolutionized the accessibility and delivery of education and healthcare, respectively.

Online businesses have revolutionized the way we conduct commerce, offering unparalleled growth opportunities and transforming traditional industries. The power of the internet continues to shape the business landscape, and entrepreneurs must leverage its potential to stay relevant and competitive. By embracing the advantages, overcoming challenges, and adapting to the ever-evolving digital world, individuals can embark on a successful journey into the realm of online businesses.

The Impressive Rise of Online Business

In today's digital era, online businesses have emerged as a dominant force in the global entrepreneurial landscape. With the advent of the internet and the rapid advancement of technology, more and more people are turning to the online realm to start and grow their businesses. This shift has opened up a world of opportunities and possibilities, revolutionizing the way commerce is conducted.

The appeal of online business lies in its convenience and flexibility. Gone are the days when a physical store was the only way to reach customers. Online platforms provide entrepreneurs with the ability to establish virtual storefronts that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. This global reach has allowed businesses to expand their customer base exponentially, transcending geographical boundaries like never before.

One of the key advantages of online business is the significantly lower overhead costs compared to traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. Setting up an online store requires minimal investment, as there is no need to rent or purchase a physical space, hire numerous staff members, or invest in costly infrastructure. This reduced financial burden has democratized entrepreneurship, making it accessible to individuals from all walks of life.

Furthermore, online businesses offer endless possibilities for innovation and creativity. With the ability to tailor products and services to specific target markets, entrepreneurs can tap into niche markets that were previously unexplored. The online environment also enables businesses to collect and analyze vast amounts of customer data, leading to valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making and drive growth.

Perhaps one of the most significant factors contributing to the rise of online business is the exponential growth of e-commerce. With the proliferation of online marketplaces and payment systems, conducting transactions online has become the norm rather than the exception. Consumers have embraced the convenience of online shopping, as it allows them to compare prices, read reviews, and make purchases from the comfort of their own homes.

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for the acceleration of online business. Lockdowns and social distancing measures forced many traditional businesses to shut down temporarily or permanently. However, online businesses flourished during the crisis, as consumers shifted their buying habits online. The pandemic highlighted the resilience and adaptability of online businesses, further solidifying their position as a vital component of the global economy.

Nevertheless, with the proliferation of online businesses comes increased competition. The barriers to entry are low, and entrepreneurs must constantly innovate and differentiate themselves to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Building a strong brand, providing exceptional customer service, and leveraging digital marketing strategies are essential for success in the online business landscape.

As we move forward into the future, it is evident that online business will continue to thrive and shape the global economy. The remarkable rise of e-commerce, coupled with advancing technology such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, will undoubtedly bring about new opportunities and challenges. Entrepreneurs must remain agile and adaptable, embracing the ever-changing digital landscape to stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, the rise of online business has transformed the way commerce is conducted, opening up a world of possibilities for aspiring entrepreneurs. The convenience, global reach, and low overhead costs associated with online businesses have revolutionized the entrepreneurial landscape. However, amidst fierce competition, it is crucial for online businesses to constantly innovate and adapt in order to succeed in this dynamic and rapidly evolving marketplace.

how to Make money online with affiliate marketing

Afiliate marketing has emerged as a popular and lucrative way to make money online. By promoting and selling other people's products or services, you can earn commissions for every successful referral. If you're interested in venturing into this field, follow this step-by-step guide to kickstart your affiliate marketing journey and start earning money online.

Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche

Select a niche that aligns with your interests, knowledge, and, most importantly, has a high demand. Conduct thorough market research to determine the profitability and competition in your chosen niche.

Step 2: Select the Right Affiliate Programs

Join reputable affiliate programs that offer products or services related to your niche. Look for programs with attractive commission rates, reliable tracking systems, and a good reputation. Popular affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction are worth considering.

Step 3: Build a Conversion-Focused Website or Blog

Create a professional-looking website or blog that focuses on providing valuable content to your target audience. Optimize it for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, writing compelling meta descriptions, and ensuring a user-friendly interface. Use a content management system like WordPress for its ease of use and versatility.

Step 4: Develop Informative and Engaging Content

Create relevant and high-quality content that educates, informs, and entertains your readers. Such content can include product reviews, tutorials, comparison articles, and how-to guides. Aim to establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source in your niche. 

Step 5: Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Implement a variety of strategies to drive targeted traffic to your website. These can include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and guest posting on authoritative sites within your niche. Focus on channels that have the potential to reach and engage your target audience effectively.

Step 6: Promote Affiliate Products Strategically

Strategically promote affiliate products that align with your audience's needs and interests. Ensure your recommendations are honest, transparent, and based on thorough research. Include affiliate links within your content and incorporate compelling call-to-action (CTA) statements to encourage your audience to make a purchase.

Step 7: Build and Nurture an Email List

Offer valuable lead magnets, such as eBooks, exclusive content, or discounts, in exchange for visitors' email addresses. Build and nurture an email list to engage with your audience on a more personal level. Send regular newsletters, updates, and promotional offers to increase your affiliate sales.

Step 8: Analyze Performance and Optimize

Track and analyze the performance of your website and affiliate promotions using analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as traffic sources, conversion rates, and affiliate earnings. Identify areas of improvement and optimize your strategies based on the insights gained.

Step 9: Stay Updated with Industry Trends

The world of affiliate marketing is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, tools, and techniques by following influential marketers, joining relevant forums, and attending webinars or conferences. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial to staying competitive.

Step 10: Be Patient and Persistent

Success in affiliate marketing doesn't come overnight. Be patient, persistent, and consistent in your efforts. Adapt your strategies, learn from failures, and celebrate your successes along the way.


Affiliate marketing offers great potential for making money online. By following this step-by-step guide, you can embark on your affiliate marketing journey with confidence. Remember, success requires ongoing dedication, hard work, and a commitment to providing value to your audience. With time and persistence, you can earn a considerable income through affiliate marketing.

500 Premium Instagram Banner

Solusi Untuk Olshopmu di Instagram

500 desain siap pakai untuk membuat desain promosi di instagram yang keren, profesional, dan melejitkan penjualan olshop anda, Tanpa harus jago desain.

Inilah solusi PRAKTIS yang dapat membantu Anda hasilkan Lebih Banyak penjualan dengan desain banner promosi Instagram yang lebih menjual, Kreatif, Elegan, dan terpercaya serta mudah digunakan.

Jualan online itu sebenarnya ya cuma jualan GAMBAR, kalau gambar tampilannya jelek, ya ekspektasi calon customer juga jelek dan sebaliknya, kalau gambar tampilannya menarik tentu calon customer juga akan tertarik. Kalau gak percaya, tengok saja brand-brand besar, artinya, kualitas desain banner promo berpengaruh.

3 Kegalauan utama yang sering anda hadapi ketika jualan di instagram

Apakah anda pusing membuat banner promosi instagram yang bagus dan meningkatkan penjualan?

Anda sudah sadar bahwa visual banner promosi yang bagus juga berpengaruh terhadap brand anda, namun pesan desain ke desainer justru membengkakkan budget.

Apakah anda ingin mendapatkan, like, comment, bahkan pembelian yang tinggi di instagram setiap kali berpromosi?

dan produk ini adalah jawabannya
silahkan cek selengkapnya disini

Review WASENDERPRO - Software Promosi yang Wajib Dimiliki Semua Internet Marketer

WASenderPro bukan hanya sekedar mengirim WhatsApp Massal biasa
Karena dengan software ini kita bisa menciptakan uang dengan mudah & Cepat sekali menggunakan berbagai fitur dahsyat yang bisa membantu kita untuk mendapatkan
konsumen baru serta untuk mengelola database konsumen untuk berikutnya
bisa kita lakukan follow up dengan sangat mudah sekali

Berikut ini adalah tanggapan dari beberapa orang tentang WASENDERPRO

software wajib buat pebisnis online apapun, dari validasi, ngirim sampe ngintip2 langganan kometitor juga bisa... gila gila..

- Nur Fahmi

Sekarang adalah zaman WA (whatsapp ) berjaya..tidak mengenal batas usia..mau tua..anak-anak, orang dewasa bahkan ada anak sd sydah mememakai WA...WA banyak du gunakan oleh hampir seruap orang bertukar kabar berita, komunikasi bahkan di gunakan untuk sarana promosi bisnis, ngomong-ngomong sarana bisnis "apakah anda pernah berpikir?"," tools atau software yang mampu mengambil member Wa sesuka hati kita contohnya dari grup sebuah wa tanpa harus kita menjadi member di grup tersebut?" dulu saya sempat berpikir seperti itu, namun sekarang semua itu terjawab oleh lahirnya tool yang bernama WA SENDER PRO ,bukan hanya menscrape atau mengambil no WA dari semua grup yang kita mau..tapi juga bisa mengirimkan pesan massal anda ke ribuan member WA yang anda inginkan tanpa harus punya akun WA banyak secara aman, penasaran? Langsung klik tombol beli aja untuk membuktikanya sendiri

- Bias Tico Rolland

Semuanya serba mudah dan gampang untuk melakukan Promosi setiap hari tanpa biaya sepeserpun dan sekaligus dapat mengelola database konsumen , hal itu sangat penting bagi saya untuk mulai menghasilkan lebih banyak penjualan dari awal memulai pemasaran produk - produk baru .

- Bagus Yulianto

Jika Anda menginginkan tool untuk meningkatkan netto-profit bisnis Anda,
Anda memerlukan sebuah tool yang ringan, mudah digunakan, memiliki feature lengkap dan tentu saja ringan di kantong...WAsenderPro adalah jawabannya! WAsenderPro Feature2nya yang canggih, komplit dan selalu up-to-date membuat bisnis online Anda mudah melakukan penetrasi product-entry, marketing dan bahkan broadcast massal.

sangat ampuh sebagai senjata untuk melakukan follow-up massal baik untuk memperkenalkan produk, ataupun mengirimkan pesan marketing dan selling produk dan jasa Anda dengan Mudah dan Cepat!
WAsenderPro wajib dimiliki oleh Supplier, Distributor, Agen atau Reseller sekalipun!
Ingin bisnis Anda tumbuh pesat? Gunakan WAsenderPro!

Mbah Katob,
Internet Marketing, Malang


Apakan WASenderPro itu ?
WASenderPro adalah software dekstop based marketing canggih yang bisa diinstal di windows 7 ke atas.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja WASenderPro ?
WASenderPro adalah tool whatsapp pertama dengan fitur paling lengkap. WA sender pro mampu memvalidasi nomor yang menggunakan whatsapp, mencari group2 whatsapp secara tertarget, mengekstrak member grouo whatsapp, mengekstrak chat yang sudah ada untuk kemudian di followup, mencari group2 whatsapp sesuai dengan niche yang kita inginkan untuk kita jadikan lagi target promosinya, dan mampu mengirimkan peran dengan sangan mudah dan cepat baik itu text, gambar, video dan lainnya hanya dalam beberapa klik saja.

Bagaimana Cara Menggunakan WASenderPro?
menggunakan WASenderPro cukup dengan menginstalnya di laptop/pc windows anda dan masukkan lisensi yang sudah didapatkan secara langsung setelah pembelian lalu anda bisa mulai promosi apa saja kesiapa saja sesuai hati anda dengan sangat mudah dan simpel.

Apa Lisensi WASenderPro ?
As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a personal license, so you can use it on of your devices.
You are welcome to use WASenderPro to collect unlimited data provided as much as you want or to your clients for any project.

You are allowed for :
[ YES ] you can use WASenderPro to collect unlimited data base
[ YES ] you can use your database for your client/company project
[ NO ] RE-SELL in anyway
[ NO ] Can't use for giveaway bonus

Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkannya dan Lisensinya ?
lisensi wa sender akan didapatkan langsung setelah melakukan pembelian. lisensi wa sender pro bersifat singgle instace yang artinya bisa di gunakan di pc mana saja sehingga lebih fleksibel dengan catatan tidak digunakan dalam waktu bersamaan. satu lisensi satu login.

Informasi Selengkapnya tentang WASENDERPRO bisa anda lihat disini

Gramcaster – Tools Revolusioner Instagram

Cara Mudah Mendapatkan 1000 Follower Instagram/Minggu dan Tingkatkan Omset Jualan di Instagram Anda Sekarang!!!

Mungkin anda bertanya apa sih GRAMCASTER ? Ya, disini saya akan menjelaskan kepada Anda apa itu GRAMCASTER.

Gramcaster merupakan sebuah APLIKASI untuk mengotomatiskan Akun-Akun INSTAGRAM Anda agar dapat melakukan promosi di Instagram secara OTOMATIS. Anda hanya perlu menghabiskan waktu 5 MENIT dan akun-akun INSTAGRAM anda akan bekerja secara otomatis.

Dengan menggunakan GRAMCASTER, Akun-Akun INSTAGRAM anda dapat melakukan :
Auto Follow
Auto Unfollow
Auto Like
Auto Comment
Auto Direct Message (DM)
Auto Repost
Schedule Post
Riset Target Market dan Hashtag


Dengan Menggunakan GRAMCASTER anda dapat :
Melakukan postingan terjadwal baik Foto atau Video, sehingga anda tidak perlu untuk repot-repot posting di jam yang anda inginkan.
Melakukan FOLLOW target market anda secara otomatis.
Melakukan UNFOLLOW target market anda yang tidak melakukan FOLLBACK.
Melakukan LIKE foto-foto target market anda secara otomatis.
Melakukan COMMENT foto-foto target market anda secara otomatis sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
Melakukan DIRECT MESSAGE target market anda secara otomatis, sehingga anda dapat menawarkan produk atau jasa yang anda jual langsung ke Target Market anda.
Melakukan REPOST foto-foto target market anda secara otomatis, sehingga anda tidak perlu repot untuk selalu mengupdate akun Instagram anda.
Melakukan RISET target market dan hashtag, sehingga anda tidak ada lagi yang namanya salah target market.

Ini fitur lengkap GRAMCASTER yang harus anda ketahui yang dapat membantu ANDA melakukan :
Schedule Post Foto/Video
Auto Follow Follower
Auto Follow Following
Auto Follow List
Auto Unfollow Terlama
Auto Unfollow Terbaru
Auto Unfollow Follback
Auto Unfollow Notfollback
Auto Like Hashtag
Auto Like List
Auto Comment Timeline
Auto Comment Hashtag
Auto Comment List
Auto Direct Message List
Auto Repost By Account Target
Boom Like (Arisan)

Selengkapnya klik disini

Diskon Produk Ratakan mei 2019

Banjir Berkah Produk Digital Spesial Ramadhan. Kesempatan Sangat Langka! Hanya 7 Hari Saja, Diskon 90 Produk Digital dari berbagai niche produk. Berlaku 7-13 Mei 2019 Yuk, Manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya! Berikut ini list produk beserta Kode Kuponnya : Ramadhan 2019

Tools Instagram Berbasis Android

kali ini kita akan bahas tools instagram berbasis android, yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan follower instagram dan meningkatkan interaksi instagram. dengan beberapa kali setting saja, anda bisa meningkatkan follower instagram dengan hanya menggunakan tools yang bisa berjalan di smartphone android..

tools ini bernama Gramshoot X
Tools IG Anda Tidak Bisa Running 50 Akun sekaligus, Anda bisa gunakan Ini. ya dengan menggunakan gramshoot anda bia melakukannya. ini adalah tools instagram yang tahan algoritma, jadi tidak akan berpengaruh kalo instagram update algoritma.

dan yang pasti gramshoot adalah tools instagram paling simple yang pernah ada menurut saya.

Auto follow + like + skip publications
Auto follow all
Auto follow not private
Filter Follow (Yang sudah pernah di follow tidak akan terfollow ulang)
Auto all unfollow & not follback
Auto like timeline + comment + skip publications
Auto comment + skip publications
Auto likes + follow + skip publications

Unfollow boom All
Unfollow boom user dari tengah
Unfollow boom user dari atas
Unfollow boom user dari bawah/terlama
View report (Data sukses dan gagal hasil eksekusi)
Data user not follback
Data user yang unfollow akun kita
Template untuk menyimpan kalimat comment, Hashtag, target username dan target lainnya
Template Comment manager
Stop all setting fitur
Pause all setting fitur
Start paused setting fitur
Notifikasi Target Private
Notifikasi stop fitur
Import/Export Database
App Scheduler (Mengaktifkan semua fitur hanya dijam tertentu saja / tidak 24 jam)

Single account schedule upload
Mensetting schedule upload untuk akun-akun tertentu atau hanya satu akun saja.

Multi Account schedule upload
Mensetting schedule upload untuk ke semua akun hanya sekali setting, Jika Anda mempunyai 50 akun instagram di apps Gramshoot Schedule.. maka Anda cukup mensetting sekali saja untuk bisa terupload ke 50 akun tersebut. jadi Anda tidak perlu cape untuk mensetting satu per satu akun

NOTE SCHEDULE UPLOAD : Tetap terupload jika hp mati.

NOTE FITUR UTAMA : Fitur berjalan harus dengan keadaan hp hidup, walaupun di lock dan koneksi bagus.

Tools Instagram Tahan Algoritma

Sudah bukan rahasia lagi kalo sekarang ini tools instagram sangat diperlukan untuk kita yang sedang membangun akun instagram, sudah banyak sekali tools instagram yang bisa kita gunakan, mulai dari yang gratisan sampai yang berbayar, mulai dari yang murah sampai yang mahal.

dari sekian banyak tools instagram tentu masing-masing tools ada saja kekurangannya, kadang tidak sesuai dengan yang kita harapkan, tapi setidaknya ada tools yang lebih bisa membantu kita dalam mengelola akun instagram.

di artikel kali ini saya ingin memberi tahu, khususnya untuk anda yang mencari tools instagram yang tahan algoritma, artinya tidak akan berpengaruh meskipun instagram update algoritma nya.. tools ini bernama Gramshoot X, dan berikut ini adalah fitur nya.

Gramshoot X, yaitu Tools Instagram Berbasis Android. Hanya untuk dijalankan melalui perangkat Android layaknya tools-tools instagram berbasis web atau desktop bisa berjalan 24 jam non stop. Untuk JV Kali ini ada update di fitur Schedule Upload Single Akun dan Multiple Akun.

Auto follow + like + skip publications
Auto follow all
Auto follow not private
Filter Follow (Yang sudah pernah di follow tidak akan terfollow ulang)
Auto all unfollow & not follback
Auto like timeline + comment + skip publications
Auto comment + skip publications
Auto likes + follow + skip publications

Unfollow boom All
Unfollow boom user dari tengah
Unfollow boom user dari atas
Unfollow boom user dari bawah/terlama
View report (Data sukses dan gagal hasil eksekusi)
Data user not follback
Data user yang unfollow akun kita
Template untuk menyimpan kalimat comment, Hashtag, target username dan target lainnya
Template Comment manager
Stop all setting fitur
Pause all setting fitur
Start paused setting fitur
Notifikasi Target Private
Notifikasi stop fitur
Import/Export Database
App Scheduler (Mengaktifkan semua fitur hanya dijam tertentu saja / tidak 24 jam)

Single account schedule upload
Mensetting schedule upload untuk akun-akun tertentu atau hanya satu akun saja.

Multi Account schedule upload 
Mensetting schedule upload untuk ke semua akun hanya sekali setting, Jika Anda mempunyai 50 akun instagram di apps Gramshoot Schedule.. maka Anda cukup mensetting sekali saja untuk bisa terupload ke 50 akun tersebut. jadi Anda tidak perlu cape untuk mensetting satu per satu akun

NOTE SCHEDULE UPLOAD : Tetap terupload jika hp mati.

NOTE FITUR UTAMA : Fitur berjalan harus dengan keadaan hp hidup, walaupun di lock dan koneksi bagus.

untuk Anda yang ingin menggunakan Gramshoot X silahkan kunjungi halaman ini

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